Wordpress English

Get Hosting and Install WordPress (note - I’ll earn a small commission and you’ll earn a discount when you use this link): https://createaprowebsite.com/host. The default locale for WordPress is English (U.S.). To define a locale we either use a language code + a country code or the ISO 639-3 code of a language. Rosetta site: The local WordPress.org site for a specific locale.

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English throughout the years

Travel back in time and explore the history of the English language and how it came to be!


Singlish is the language variant that exists in Singapore. It stands for “Singapore Colloquial English”. Find out more about the increasingly popular language on this page!

Language Variant

Wordpress english

Singlish Language Variant

Vertical, Horizontal and Oblique Integration

Wordpress English Download


Wordpress Tutorials For Beginners

Vertical Integration is communication between people of the same generation. For example, when two teenagers talk to each other that is called Vertical Integration. Crack diablo 3 for mac. Horizontal Integration is communication between people of different generations that are family members. For example, when a teenager talks to their parents or their grandparents that is called Horizontal Integration. ObliqueContinue reading “Vertical, Horizontal and Oblique Integration”