FreeFileSync is another open source alternative for folder comparison and backup/synchronization. Users can compare 2 folders/sources and synchronize files from one source to the second one. In this way is easier to make fast and precise backups regularly.
FreeFileSync is one of the best file syncing software.' Pro 'I love that FreeFileSync is free to download and use. There is a donation system if you find it useful, which I have donated to.' Con 'And for the novice, setting it up right at. FreeFileSync is an Open-Source file/folder comparison and synchronization tool. FreeFileSync features an easy-to-use UI that is geared for speed and huge sets of data. It is focused on usability; only the necessary functionality is provided, no overloaded menus or icon jungle to contend with. This is a comparison of commercial software in the field of file synchronization. These programs only provide full functionality with a payment. As indicated, some are trialware and provide functionality during a trial period; some are freemium, meaning that they have freeware editions.
Supports binary folder comparison, it detect conflicts, supports symbolic links, can process multiple folder pairs simultaneously, copy security permissions in destination folder, keep versions of deleted or updated files.

Freefilesync Review
Users can choose what files to exclude or to include. It is case sensitive, it has an easy to use and intuitive interface. Available for Windows, Linux and Mac computers.