The Metropolitan Police Department is providing information related to unrest-related arrests and persons of interest. MPD and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) The MPD takes pride in professionally responding to crisis situations, and we will continue to do so throughout the current public health emergency. People also love these ideas.
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Acronym | Definition |
MPD | Multiple-Personality Disorder |
MPD | Metropolitan Police Department (Washington, DC, USA) |
MPD | Managed Pressure Drilling (oil drilling) |
MPD | Manufacturing and Product Design (UK) |
MPD | Music Player Daemon (music player server) |
MPD | Main Pancreatic Duct |
MPD | Milwaukee Police Department (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) |
MPD | Monetary Policy Department (various locations) |
MPD | Minneapolis Police Department (Minneapolis, MN) |
MPD | My Personal Diary |
MPD | Motion Picture Distribution (Canada) |
MPD | Master Plan for Delhi (Delhi, India) |
MPD | Memphis Police Department |
MPD | Multi Processing Daemon Protocol |
MPD | Multi Part Document |
MPD | Music Player Daemon |
MPD | Multi Purpose Document |
MPD | Mini Port Driver |
MPD | Microsoft Project Database |
MPD | Message Power Led |
MPD | Main Processor Card |
MPD | Multiply Decimal |
MPD | Multi Protocol Driver |
MPD | Minutes per Day |
MPD | Most Popular Driver (award) |
MPD | Myeloproliferative Disorder |
MPD | Movimiento Popular Democratico (Democratic People's Movement ) |
MPD | Mesquite Police Department (Mesquite, NV) |
MPD | Marketing and Product Development |
MPD | Multi-Link PPP Daemon |
MPD | Management of Product Development (various schools) |
MPD | Maintenance Planning Document |
MPD | Motor Protection Device (various companies) |
MPD | Miami Police Department (Florida) |
MPD | Military Personnel Division |
MPD | Manila Police District |
MPD | Meat Packing District (New York City) |
MPD | Motive Power Depot (locomotive storage) |
MPD | Maui Police Department (Maui County, Hawaii) |
MPD | Missing Presumed Dead |
MPD | Mitsubishi Pharma Deutschland (Dusseldorf, Germany) |
MPD | Microwave Product Digest |
MPD | Thousand Barrels per Day (oil production measurement) |
MPD | Montgomery Police Department (Alabama) |
MPD | Master Project Director |
MPD | Master of Product Development (Northwestern University) |
MPD | Mean Profile Depth |
MPD | Male Pattern Baldness |
MPD | Ministry Partner Development (missionary support raising) |
MPD | Multiphoton Dissociation |
MPD | Myofascial Pain Disorder |
MPD | Multi-Paradigm Design (computer programming) |
MPD | Distal Myopathy |
MPD | Multi Party Democracy |
MPD | Mode Power Distribution |
MPD | Message Preparation Directory |
MPD | minimum phototoxic dose |
MPD | Multiple Purpose Document (airlines) |
MPD | Mobile Personal Device |
MPD | Magnetoplasmadynamics |
MPD | Multipurpose Display |
MPD | Mobile Phone Dealer (Philippines) |
MPD | Maximum Population Density |
MPD | Meritorious Police Duty (New York, NY) |
MPD | Multi Product Dispenser |
MPD | Mobile Prefix Discovery |
MPD | Marietta Police Department (Georgia) |
MPD | Manila Police Department |
MPD | Muscle Phosphorylase Deficiency |
MPD | Monitor Photo Diode |
MPD | Multiple Product Dispenser (gas station 'islands') |
MPD | Microwave Products Division |
MPD | Maximum Path Difference |
MPD | Multiphoton Detector |
MPD | Minimum Product Distance |
MPD | Medical Physics Department |
MPD | Maximum Permissible Dosage |
MPD | Mobility Pilot Development |
MPD | Motive Power Department (railways) |
MPD | Maximum Packet Delay |
MPD | Main Processor Redundancy |
MPD | Movement Priority Designator |
MPD | Macy's Product Development (Macy's department stores) |
MPD | Millersburg Police Department (Ohio) |
MPD | Maximum Permissible Downtime |
MPD | Message Processing & Distribution |
MPD | Microwave Power Devices, Incorporated |
MPD | Meters above Principal Datum (lands planning) |
MPD | Modification Program Directive |
MPD | Morganza Police Department (Louisiana) |
MPD | Miscellaneous Pay Document |
MPD | Mono-Propellant Driver |
MPD | Monthly Payroll Deduct |
MPD | Maintenance Planing Document (Aircraft Maintenance Schedule) |
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